Hello yoshi Wiki
Dark matter and Princess Ophiuchus

Ophiuchus Star Princess (へびつかい座のスタープリンセス) is the true main antagonist of Hello Yoshi DX Series and the leader of Dark star in Smash Bros Universe. She has her own alter-egos like a devil spirit, called Dark Matter.

The Dark Matter species is a race of beings that are often characterized by having a single eye. Most members and speculated members appear as a major antagonistic force in various games of the Kirby series. Although their goal may vary between individuals, most of them attempt to invade planets and cover them in darkness. Presumably being made of darkness and negative energy, some members are weak to light and positive energy, as shown with the Rainbow Sword and the Love-Love Stick. Members of the species also have the ability to possess and control others’ bodies to do their bidding. In the past, Hyness’s clan worshipped the “matter of darkness.” This implies that the Dark Matter species (or the material they’re made of) was worshipped by them.

Dark Matter is actually a Star Princess called the Ophiuchus Lumen Princess
